20 Rules for Writing Dialogue

Depending on your style, you can have little or a lot of dialogue in your story. But you have to have it. Writing dialogue is not an easy task. The dialogue has to sound like a real conversation, but not too much.  What Is Dialogue? Dialogue is defined as a conversation between two or more... Continue Reading →


A story structure is a map of a story. It's how the events unfold to make a compelling story for the reader. We all know what a story is. It has a certain rhythm and when that rhythm is off, we notice, even if we can't point out exactly what is off. If a story... Continue Reading →

11 Ways To Come Up With Story Ideas

Sometimes you have so many story ideas you don’t know what to do with them, other times you have nothing. Let’s look at a few things that might help you spark ideas for stories. 1. Plot Generators and Writing Prompts My favorite plot generator sites are: Plot Generator by ReedsyRandom Plot Generator by Writing ExercisesPlot... Continue Reading →

How to Name Your Characters

Characters are one of the most important parts of every story. Even if you have a plot-driven story, you need characters that will drive your plot forward. Before you even start writing your book, there are a few things you need to know about your characters, including their names. Giving your character a "perfect" name... Continue Reading →

Other Ways to Say “WALK”

This is the first blog post in the series Other Ways to Say, and it focuses on the verb “walk.” He walked to the car. He creeped to the car. He staggered to the car. One is telling and it doesn’t give us much information about what is going on. The other two are showing... Continue Reading →

Strong Verbs for Writers

Use strong verbs and avoid using weak verbs. Does this writing advice sound familiar? Have you heard of it before? I know I have. Many times, in fact. But what does this really mean? What are Verbs? Verbs are words that express an action or a state of being. They provide information about the subject... Continue Reading →

10 Camp NaNoWriMo Tips

I don’t remember how many times I participated in Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo. I only won 3 times, so I’m in no way an expert. But from every single one of my failed attempts, I learned a few things. And I’m want to share those things with with you. What is Camp NaNoWriMo? Camp NaNoWriMo... Continue Reading →

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