
Hey, everyone! I’m Knox Sutton, MM romance author.

This is a fiction writing blog. I will share with you writing advice, tips, and hacks that will help you write your book.

I’ve wanted to blog for years, but something always held me back. I had so many excuses, from not knowing how to blog to not having enough time. On my birthday a couple of weeks ago, it finally hit me. I’m 37 years old. If I don’t make a blog now, I never will. And if I don’t take my writing seriously, being a writer will always be just a daydream.

I’ve always loved reading. Even before I could read, I couldn’t go to bed without my mom reading me a bedtime story. The school and the mandatory reading lists dimmed my excitement about reading. While reading I want feel like I’m in the story, not wondering how the word is pronounced or what it means. It wasn’t until I was in my 20s and I read Twilight for the first time, that I rediscovered my love for reading. I started reading books from every genre, but I always came back to romance. I read (straight) romance for years and then I started to feel like I’ve read it all. I wanted something new and I found it in Cut & Run series by Abigail Roux and Madeleine Urban.  

Walking home from school, waiting in a line in a grocery store, laying in bed at night, I always had stories playing out in my mind. And I thought that was completely normal thing everyone does. It’s not! So a few years ago, I decided to start writing. I have a bunch of unfinished novels and a few posted fanfics, but nothing published. What always held me back was that voice in the back of my mind telling me I’m not good enought to write in English when English isn’t my native language. Well, I’m done listening to that voice. In the next 12 months I’ll write a novel, edit it, and publish it.

Fun Fact About Me

I love baking. At one point, I considered opening my own cupcake store. But instead, I started writing a story about a guy owning a cupcake store and falling in love with the dective investigating the murder that happened in the cupcake store.

Everything I do, it always comes back to writing. I can’t wait to share my writing knowledge and thoughts with you.

xo Knox

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